Senior Vice President of Education, Senior Educational Clinician at Conn-Selmer, Inc.
Conn-Selmer Inc.
Tim Lautzenheiser serves as Vice President of Education for Conn-Selmer, Inc. His career spans ten years of college band directing at Northern Michigan University, the University of Missouri, and New Mexico State University. After serving as Executive Director of Bands of America, he created Attitude Concepts, Inc. to accommodate the many requests for student leadership workshops, convention speaking and professional development presentations for educators. Tim's books, produced by G.I.A. Publications, are best-sellers in the music profession. He is also co-author of Hal Leonard's popular band method, Essential Elements.
Delivering the message is the easy part; making sure the message is received-and-understood is the challenge. The importance of practicing the art of thinking from behind the eyes of the teachers, the administrators, the students, and the parents.
We spend much time focusing on the cognitive aspect of learning and sometimes avoid the affective value of the growth process. Do our students LISTEN or do they LEARN? The master teachers know it is more than the WHAT and/or the HOW rather ensure the students understand WHY the exchange of information has relevance to their welfare as they prepare to embrace life's challenges. Ownership of responsibility only comes when the LANDLORD OF LEARNING is the student. Success begets success.
Time management, now there's a subject worth some time. It's time to discuss this important element of success?
Read MoreMore than any other area of study, one individual with a negative attitude will influence everyone involved in a music class/rehearsal. an individual with a sorrowful attitude can severely impede the advancement of the group; a musical organization is only as strong as its weakest member.
Read MoreWhile it is vitally important to share the good news about music learning with every facet of our society, the key people are those who are the decision-makers, the folks who have the wherewithal to influence curriculums, schedules, and the academic agenda of our schools. This issue will focus on how to address this "target market."
Read MoreTim Lautzenheiser talking to the attendees at the Conn-Selmer Institute.
Tim Lautzenheiser explaining important things to the Conn-Selmer Institute attendees.
Tim Lautzenheiser conducting a group activity at the Conn-Selmer Institute.
Tim Lautzenheiser demonstrating music education techniques with a music educator.